A cleanroom is a controlled environment with a low level of pollutants such as aerosol particles, dust, microbes and chemical vapours. It is used in biotechnology, scientific research and manufacturing plants. Saakvee Technologies creates cleanrooms for all industries where particles could affect the manufacturing process. A particle-free environment is a requirement in the pharmaceutical industry. Depending on your industry, the requirements for air purity are specified by appropriate standards.

From material sciences to biomedical engineering, metrology and nanoscale fabrication capabilities are needed for companies and institutions to conduct first-class research. Cleanrooms have an impact on schedule and cost where operation and construction of a lab project is concerned.
A high-performing cleanroom is dependent on planning and budgeting. Saakvee Technologies has delivered successful cleanroom projects and services to many companies in the different parts of the world. Our experienced in-house team of cleanroom engineers ensures that your cleanroom is adequately planned to meet your needs and industry standards.
It is crucial that you involve a cleanroom expert early in the planning process. You might have some background knowledge but without experienced personnel, the project could end in failure. Our experienced cleanroom engineers and designers will create a high-level functional environment based on requirements such as ISO classification, lithography and programme area.
Our experienced team of engineers will make sure that your cleanroom project is on track from the beginning. Whether this is your first cleanroom project or you have significant cleanroom experience, we provide the right level of support.
Modular Cleanroom Benefits
- Modular Construction
- Quick Assembly Time
- Versatility
- Reconfiguration
- Airflow Control
- Inexpensive Modifications
Cleanroom Planning And Budgeting Process
Saakvee Technologies has successfully designed, built and implemented portable cleanrooms in a range of sectors. Your cleanroom will meet specific organisational and industrial requirements. The planning process allows our engineers to design the best cleanroom to suit your budget and needs.
Cleanroom Design, Build & Validation
- Budgeting and planning
- Airflow and filtration design
- Full Certification of our product
- Validation
- Engineering, design & layout
- Construction and Installation
- Industry-specific equipment installation
Site Audit
The first step is the site audit. Our engineers conduct a fully audited site visit to determine your requirements, check for contamination issues that will be considered when designing your modular cleanroom and review the location for space utilisation. Our project managers and engineers work interactively with you to deliver the perfect modular cleanroom solution to prevent over-specification. The planning and budgeting teams at Saakvee Technologies do not provide a quote with hidden costs but a detailed estimate specific to your requirement.
Planning For Economic Completion
Detailed early planning reduces cost. For complex projects, it is essential to include a consistent, futuristic plan. Foresighted planning considers the flexibility of production to expand or change its range to a different product. At Saakvee Technologies, our cleanroom engineers will provide a complete plan of your cleanroom and deliver the plan for the specific construction measures.
Modular Cleanroom Services
- Design & Build
- Free Site Survey
- Free Design Service
- Cleanroom Planning
- Construction and Installation
- CNC Engineered
- Training & Support
- Discounted Service Contracts
- Remedial Works
- Panel Repairs
- Alternations
- BMS Management
- Cleanroom Certification
- Differential Pressure Qualification
- Servicing Testing Validation
- Smoke Testing
- DOP Testing
Determine Special Requirements And Cleanroom Capabilities
Modern cleanroom equipment is sensitive to vibration, ultraviolet light waves, noise, electromagnetic interference and electrostatic discharge. This is in addition to temperature, humidity and airborne particle count.
Analyse Demand
While setting up a cleanroom, both the expected running costs and the investment costs for technology should be considered. Your cleanroom is dimensioned in a way that meets all requirements. We ensure that it does not consume excess resources or space.
Cleanrooms can be adapted and extended to your requirements with little effort due to their modular design. This is an important fact to keep in mind if you are planning to expand production in the near future.

Early equipment selection determines decisions such as building location for the cleanroom–the building structure, functions, building height and column spacing. Most cleanrooms are not ready for equipment and tool move-in until after the building is occupied and the schedule alignment is due to testing, commissioning and certification. The cleanroom environment must be secluded from elements before these processes begin.
Cleanroom Features
- ISO 4-9
- ISO 14644
- Low Power Consumption
- Environmentally Friendly
- HEPA Filters
- Air Filtration
- Fan Filter Units
- Cleanroom Ceiling System
- Temperature Control
- Access Control
- Inter Lock Door Systems
- Air Showers
- Unidirectional Airflow
- Desiccator Cabinets
- Horizontal Flow Wall Modules
- Horizontal Laminar Flow Clean Benches
- Laminar flow cabinets
- Laminar Flow Canopy
Choose A Ventilation System
Your ventilation system depends on the requirements of the ISO class that fits your cleanroom. For any application, airflow will be designed to prevent deposition of particles and remove as many particles from the outside as possible. There will be no particles at critical points, accesses will be free and positioned to prevent adjustment in daily operations. We can use a constant level of air conditioning to control the humidity and temperature in the cleanroom.
Access Points
Most cleanrooms are entered via locks. The locks are used to put on protective clothing and equalise the pressure in the cleanroom. This ensures fewer particles are carried into the cleanroom. Material locks introduce materials to the clean environment. We can provide flexible solutions for access depending on the intended use of the cleanroom.
Choose The Construction Method
It is important to decide on the method of construction for the cleanroom early in the process. Delivery options include pre-manufactured or stick built. The general contractor manages trades in the stick built construction method and also coordinates efforts to complete the cleanroom build. For success, we provide an experienced contractor to oversee the project and ensure completion according to the design and specification details.
A specialised cleanroom sub-contractor from Saakvee Technologies installs the cleanroom using a pre-manufactured method. This is done after most of the building construction and trades are complete. To ensure success, our installers are engaged from the early stages to develop performance requirements during the design of the cleanroom.
Cleanroom Industries/Sectors
Choosing Protective Clothing For Employees
One of the things that cause contamination in a cleanroom is personnel. The right protective clothing can mitigate this risk. A gown is sufficient for some applications. A more demanding environment requires more complex protective clothing. For instance, ISO 6 and above require a face mask, special gloves, shoes and a full body overall.
Other Steps In The Cleanroom Planning Process Include
- Identifying negative or positive pressurisation for the cleanroom
- Accessing exfiltration airflow
- Considering and accounting for industry specific variables based on past experience
- Determining heating and cooling requirements
- Planning the mechanical system layout
- Determining space allocation for a portable or modular cleanroom
- Creating plans for regular cleaning and maintenance