Worth £9,379 million in 2016, the cosmetics market is one of the largest in the EU. It’s a science-led industry where special care needs to be taken to ensure products are produced to the highest safety standards. Thousands of cosmetics producers around the world rely on cleanrooms to carry out the core activities of production and research and development.
Designing Cleanrooms To Support Cosmetic Production
At Saakvee, we provide customised solutions for clients, ensuring that each design allows for complete flexibility. Every component used is specifically chosen and manufactured to deliver the precise design necessary.
In the cosmetics sector, cleanrooms and associated controlled environments need to be set up to ensure factors such as pressure, humidity, temperature and the concentration of airborne particles are properly controlled. The diverse cosmetics sector is one with several activities, and include the manufacture of cosmetic products, analysis laboratories, and research and development laboratories.

Care has to be taken to ensure the products, which will be applied to human skin, are perfectly safe to use. Every cleanroom we design for the cosmetics sector is made to meet precise requirements. Typically, a cleanroom would have a shell surrounding it, as well as a physical barrier consisting of doors, ceilings, partitions and floors separating different areas, which may be classified and/or unclassified.
Each of those areas have to be consistent with particular performance requirements and design criteria. Considerations such as soundproofing, fire hazard properties, ergonomics, geometry and mechanical performance are crucial. From design to execution of every project, we efficiently manage the process.
Protecting cosmetic products from contamination by particles and micro-organisms is vital, hence, the importance of a closely monitored sterile environment such as that provided by a cleanroom. We also understand how the design of a cleanroom may directly affect the safety of the operators or the environment within which they work.
When constructing the shell of a cleanroom, we use materials that comply with the requirements for non-proliferation of contaminating agents, non-retention of particles, the resistance to disinfecting agents, cleaning and airtightness.
Cleanroom Design, Build & Validation
- Budgeting and planning
- Engineering, design & layout
- Airflow and filtration design
- Construction and Installation
- Full Certification of our product
- Industry-specific equipment installation
- Validation
Defining Cleanrooms For The Cosmetics Sector
A cleanroom, according to standard NF EN ISO 14644, is a room designed and used such that there is minimal retention, production and introduction of particles into the room, allowing for the concentration of airborne particles to be controlled, as well as other pertinent parameters such as pressure, humidity and temperature.
The ISO 22716 Cosmetics standard, alongside GMP and other ISO normative documents regulate the requirements of satisfactory manufacturing practice in the perfumery and cosmetics industry. There is a need for such regulations to be in place as clean technologies are mandatory for the production of face and body care products and cosmetics.
These standards insist on conditions similar to the manufacture of pharmaceuticals for the production of most cosmetic products, given that the human body comes into direct contact with perfumes and cosmetics.
If cleanrooms are not constructed properly, particles such as chemical vapours and contaminants may regularly contaminate the airspace, possibly causing skin irritation, allergic reactions and disease. To prevent this, inadequate installation of ventilation systems, incorrect design of auxiliary rooms and incorrect planning of work areas must be avoided.
We understand that it’s not possible to produce safe, high-quality perfumery or cosmetic products without properly installed clean zones or cleanrooms, and we will ensure that the installation is correctly executed.
Modular Cleanroom Benefits
- Modular Construction
- Quick Assembly Time
- Versatility
- Reconfiguration
- Airflow Control
- Inexpensive Modifications
The Cosmetics Cleanroom Industry
It is mandatory to comply with cleanliness classes specified by ISO standards if you’re in the business of producing perfumes and cosmetics. There are several cosmetic products for which cleanroom technologies are applied during the production process. They include:
- Perfumes, including toilet waters.
- Medical cosmetics, including ampoule concentrates, masks and washing gels.
- Care cosmetics such as tonics, cream and fluids.
- Decorative cosmetics which directly touch the mucous membranes or the skin, such as mascara, concealer, glitter on the lipsticks.
Saakvee manages the delivery of a full range of services related to cleanrooms and utilities, including installation, construction, design and maintenance. Being able to build cleanrooms from start to finish allows us to manufacture several different designs of varying purity class and size.
We are also able to keep cleanroom prices competitive for those in the perfumery and cosmetics industries. We use high quality materials, ensuring our cleanrooms remain in service for a long time. We design and construct our cleanrooms to the best of GMP and GOST world standards. When you choose Saakvee, you can rest assured reliability and safety are part of the package.
Operations in the cosmetics industry need to be carried out in an environment with a high-level of cleanliness. The kind of distribution of air required can only be attained through the design and construction of an environment such as the cleanroom. To ensure the highest possible cleanliness and hygiene of the products being produced, cleanrooms in this sector must adhere to specific criteria intended to drastically limit microbiological contamination.
Whether you’re producing liquid, fluid, semisolid or solid, we can develop a solution tailored to your specific needs. Saakvee has a strong client orientation, years of expertise, and ability to be versatile
Our experience with construction of cleanrooms for various industries means that we understand that cleanroom requirements of the cosmetics industry are similar to those of the pharmaceutical industry. Included in the standard design, ‘weighing booths’ are built for active ingredients, serving as cleanrooms with LAF areas in the place of work and a cleanroom with a lower classification around it. The capacities and dimensions of the wing boots are easily adaptable, implying that drawing and design costs are limited.
Modular Cleanroom Services
- Design & Build
- Free Site Survey
- Free Design Service
- Cleanroom Planning
- Construction and Installation
- CNC Engineered
- Training & Support
- Discounted Service Contracts
- Remedial Works
- Panel Repairs
- Alternations
- BMS Management
- Cleanroom Certification
- Differential Pressure Qualification
- Servicing Testing Validation
- Smoke Testing
- DOP Testing
Keeping Cleanrooms Sterile
The level of pollutant contamination within cleanrooms and the environment is measured by particles per cubic meter (PPC). The lowest level of cleanroom available is ISO grade 9 at 35,000,000 PPC of particles no smaller than 0.5mm. The atmosphere in such a cleanroom would be similar to that of an urban environment.
To ensure the air in a cleanroom is free of contaminants, we install HEPA filters which can filter particles as small as 0.3 microns. For even smaller particulate filtration, ULPA filters can be fitted.
Cleanroom Features
- ISO 4-9
- ISO 14644
- Low Power Consumption
- Environmentally Friendly
- HEPA Filters
- Air Filtration
- Fan Filter Units
- Cleanroom Ceiling System
- Temperature Control
- Access Control
- Inter Lock Door Systems
- Air Showers
- Unidirectional Airflow
- Desiccator Cabinets
- Horizontal Flow Wall Modules
- Horizontal Laminar Flow Clean Benches
- Laminar flow cabinets
- Laminar Flow Canopy
Cosmetics Personnel And Cleanrooms
For industries such as cosmetics, cleanroom personnel need to be properly trained in contamination control theory. To maintain their ‘clean’ integrity, cosmetics cleanroom workers must always wear appropriate clothing. They must be aware of proper showering and gowning procedures, as well as the use of airlocks at exits and entrances to limit the pollutants.
Depending on the ISO grade of the cleanroom and the task at hand, cosmetics personnel may have to wear anything from completely enclosed suits with breathing apparatus to standard lab coats and hair nets. You may have different cleanrooms with different ISO grades which may need any of these accessories, gloves, frocks, gowns, bouffant caps, face masks, boots or shoes, shoe covers, hoods and aprons.
Our Cleanroom Construction Process
For every cleanroom we build, we start by preparing a budget and a plan. This forms the basis for other processes to follow, starting with layout, design and engineering. Once we have agreed on the layout and design, as well as how the cleanroom features will work, we proceed to design the airflow and filtration systems. Once these important features have been sorted, we proceed to construct the cleanroom and install it as your location of choice. Following installation is full certification before instalment of equipment specific to the cosmetics industry. At Saakvee, we deliver a world-class service using nothing the highest quality materials to guarantee durability.
Cleanroom Industries/Sectors
Cosmetics Industry And Saakvee
At Saakvee, we are committed to producing the best quality cleanrooms for the cosmetics industry. Our experience with the industry allow us to deliver reliable, top quality cleanrooms, which are ideal for cosmetics producers. From start to finish, we will manage the process, and this allows us to offer competitive prices. We offer the latest in cleanroom technology and advancements, from engineering grade aluminium to quiet fans and system monitoring.